Friday, January 21, 2011

New Beginnings!

Ok! Let's try this again :).....I love to bake, that's one of the major reasons i started my biz. I love food altogether but while i swear i can only cook for 4 ppl at a time (hate to cook! lol) i can bake for hundreds if necessary :).
i originally wanted this blog to follow my biz as i developed it along the way but now i've decided to go off track a bit.  Because i love to eat so much this blog will contain any and everything about food.  Restaurants i go to....the stuff i bake....breakfast ideas (fav meal of the day) u name it. I swear on my double choc cheesecakes that i'll try to blog everyday and make it a worth while read lol
And with that said... let's go  :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sweet bread - or coconut bread - another one of our Bajan fav's! :) of our time honoured Bajan traditions during Independence, or any time of year if you feel like it :).  Made with cornmeal, pumpkin and coconut; and cooked in a banana leaf...this treat is super hard to resist!

Baileys' cheesecake with chocolate ganache

Wednesday, July 14, 2010